JUDICIARY Latest Features

Judiciary Scoops JLOS Awards
(L-R): Mr. Muhindo Ngene(US), Hon. Justice Buteera(JA), Hon. Justice Dr. Bamwine(PJ), Hon. Justice Katureebe(CJ) and Hon. Kahinda(Min of Justice and Constitutional Affairs) at the awards ceremony.

Kampala. The Judiciary scored yet another landmark in the dispensation of Justice after scooping the two awards at the 21st Annual Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) Review.Judiciary was awarded with the JLOS Public Affairs and Media Relations Awards 2016 as well as the JLOS Innovations Award at Commonwealth Resort Munyonyo.

The Judiciary was credited for carrying out extensive public sensitization campaigns across the country through bazaars, radio talk shows and court open days on issues of plea-bargaining, Small claims procedures and other access to justice issues last financial year. “Efforts of the Judiciary to reach out to the public are yielding fruits in positively changing negative perceptions about the Judiciary in the public domain,” the JLOS secretariat said.

Judiciary was also applauded for being at the forefront of justice innovations over the years. “The Judiciary recently launched the Audio-Visual Link project that makes it possible for courts to receive evidence by audio video link from witnesses who cannot appear in court due to infancy, old age, distance and costs,” the JLOS secretariat observed.

This technology innovation is an effective and cost effective enabler of access to justice for the vulnerable – a signature outcome of the JLOS Third Strategic Investment Plan.

The Chief Justice in his keynote address pledged to promote the rule of law and enhance the public trust and confidence.

Posted 27th, October 2016
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